Explore these issues with regard to gender law:
Gender Equity
- Keynote Address: Gender Equity in the 21st Century, Vol XVIII Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest, 417 (2015)
Pregnancy Accommodations
- EEOC Guidance on Pregnancy
- Commissioner Feldblum Statement on Pregnancy Guidance
- Commissioner Feldblum Excerpts from Hearing on Pregnancy Accommodations
- Young v. UPS, Supreme Court 2015
Workplace Flexibility
- Workplace Flexibility 2010: Reflections on Working with Corporations, 36 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 147-169 (2012)
- Policy Challenges and Opportunities for Workplace Flexibility: The State of Play in 2008, in A. Booth and A. Crouter (eds.), Work-Life Policy, Urban Institute Press (2009)
- Workplace Flexibility 2010 Report on Policy Platform for Flexible Work Arrangements
- Workplace Flexibility 2010 Report on Family Security Insurance
- For the full set of materials from Workplace Flexibility 2010, please visit: https://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/flexibility/
Videos & Podcasts
- A Better Balance Spring 2021 Celebration – You can hear Charlotte Burrows and me in a segment starting from the 34 minute mark. And the rest of the event is really worth watching!